FEBRUARY 10, 2009
Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectman Joseph Story was present. Selectman Jennifer Wright was absent.
On the recommendation of Chuck Kostro, Finance Director, a three year contract at a cost of $25K per year was approved for the auditing firm of Giusti & Hingston on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted. The Selectmen approved moving forward with establishing a “Ring ‘N Ride” service offered by MVRTA. A letter of acceptance and proposed service areas will be forwarded to Mr. Costanzo, Administrator of MVRTA. The Selectmen also approved proceeding to the next step to collect back taxes on properties in tax title. Kostro advised there are still eight properties with long standing delinquency that are in the tax title process. A final notice and then foreclosure are the next and final steps. Kostro updated the Board on the budget. He presented an overview of FY10 which included estimated revenues, shortfalls and initial budget recommendations. He noted that “level funding is a gift” for the coming year. A detailed budget will go to the
Finance Committee on February 17th and then to the Selectmen on February 24th. Dina Sullivan, School Committee member, advised they would like to set a date to finalize their budget which must be completed by April 15th. Salisbury has agreed to a date of March 27th, she noted. The Selectmen were agreeable with March 27th and a letter will be drafted affirming that date.
Chairman Russo advised that the Town Government Study Committee had discussed at their last meeting the transition to a Town Administrator form of government. The Town Administrator will be the point person in the day to day operations of the town rather than the Selectmen. The Town Administrator will therefore move into the corner office, freeing up the Finance Director’s office for the Accountant. The Administrative Assistant to the Selectmen will assume the duties of support staff to the Administrator as well as the Selectmen. That being said, as mandated by Annual Town Meeting and Act of the State Legislature, Chuck Kostro was named as Town Administrator and his contract approved and signed, on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman
Russo and voted.
Selectman Story gave a brief update on B2B. He noted he had attended the past two meetings and had contacted a MHD expert on bike paths for assistance. The route and layout of the bike path thru Newbury are being investigated. A separate path along Scotland Road is being discussed and a bridge across Rte. 95 may be necessary. The Martin Burns Wildlife area seems to have too many conflicts to be considered and the path must be ADA compliant, he advised. Martha Taylor will be Newbury’s representative at future meetings.
Heidi Fram of the Byfield Community Arts Center updated the Board on the programs at the hall. She thanked several people for their help with maintaining the building and was optimistic about the active programs, meetings, parties, plays and conferences booked for the coming year.
Building Inspector Sam Joslin spoke briefly about a complaint received regarding the extension of Sandy Way (formerly 12th Street). His concerns are that the right of way has been extended illegally without permission from the Town and the possibility that this extension might be viewed as frontage for vacant lots in the area. He noted that the extension of the right of way will be addressed by the Conservation Commission but did not want our inaction to become potential for a problem in the future. The Board recommended he speak with Counsel and draft a letter to the owners of the properties for the Selectmen’s approval.
Chairman Russo commented on a P.I. issue with an illegal pump connected to the public water system, which could have caused contamination if not found. He advised that this was a public health issue with severe state penalties and the residents of Plum Island should be aware of this problem. Selectman Story recommended notifing DEP so they know Newbury/Newburyport is being vigilant.
Brian Wiseman of Livingston Lane addressed the Board regarding the establishment of a “technology committee”. He noted that the State should have models available along with software and vendor lists for setting up this type of committee. He suggested expanding the description of the committee to include a mission statement on the web site which might draw more interested parties. Wiseman offered to do some homework by contacting the state, doing some research and talking to other towns that have a tech. committee.
The resignation of Paul Ivaska from Fr. Sears Memorial Park Committee was accepted with regret on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
The resignation of Ward Westhafer from the Board of Library Trustees was accepted with regret on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted. On the recommendation of the Library Trustees, Amy Swiniarski was appointed to fill Ward’s seat until the election on May 12, 2009, on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted. On the recommendation of the Library Trustees with the approval of Counsel, an employment contract was approved for Jennifer Brown as Library Director on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
A request from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to use town roads and facilities for their Seacoast Safari bicycle tour on July 18th and 19th was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
Use of the Upper Green Pond by the P.I. Surfcasters for their Annual Casting Clinic on Saturday, June 13th was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
On the recommendation of the Board of Fire Engineers, Douglas Janvrin Jr. was appointed as EMS Coordinator for the Town of Newbury on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
Licenses for 2009 were renewed for Byfield Trading Co., Karen’s Dog Grooming, Longfellow Hill Beauty Shop, Pert Lowell Co., Inc., Surfland Bait and Tackle Shop and Tendercrop Farms on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
The minutes of the January 13th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.